Arthur Ransome’s Swallows And Amazons Collection 4 Books Set Winter Holiday
Titles in this set:
Peter Duck
Swallows and Amazons
Winter Holiday
Swallows and Amazons
The Walker children – also known as Captain John, Mate Susan, Able-Seaman Titty, and Ship’s Boy Roger – set sail on the Swallow and head for Wild Cat Island. There they camp under open skies, swim in clear water and go fishing for their dinner. But their days are disturbed by the Blackett sisters, the fierce Amazon pirates. The Swallows and Amazons decide to battle it out, and so begins a summer of unforgettable discoveries and incredible adventures.
Peter Duck
The Swallows and Amazons, as well as Captain Flint and the ancient able seaman Peter Duck, set sail on the Wild Cat bound for the Channel. But they are shadowed by the Viper, manned by none other than Black Jake – a beastly pirate with a dark plan. Can the children race ahead and uncover the buried treasure before the pirate? Can they survive storms, earthquakes, crabs and even a waterspout and make it home?
John, Susan, Titty and Roger return to the lake for another summer camping on their island with their old allies, Nancy and Peggy, otherwise known as the Amazon pirates. But immediately disaster strikes when the Swallows find themselves marooned ashore by the shipwreck of their boat. But if they can’t have the island, there’s always Swallowdale, the secret valley, hidden from the world and containing an extra secret concealed within it.
Winter Holiday
Or so Nancy thinks. Then the lake ices over completely and the Swallows and Amazons, along with Dick and Dorothea – the Ds – plan a race to find the North Pole. How will they reach it if they cant sail? By sledges of course! But when a blizzard blows up and there is a mix up about signals, the Ds disappear into the Arctic night. Disaster looms. Can the Swallows and Amazons save their friends?