Parable Series 2 Books Collection Set by Octavia E. Butler (Parable of the Sower, Parable of the Talents)
Titles In this Set:
Parable of the TalentsÂ
Parable of the Sower
Parable of the TalentsÂ
‘In the ongoing contest over which dystopian classic is most applicable to our time… for sheer peculiar prescience, Butler’s novel may be unmatched’Â NEW YORKER
 ‘Octavia Butler was playing out our very real possibilities as humans. I think she can help each of us to do the same’ GLORIA STEINEM
 In order for me to understand who I am, I must begin to understand who she was.
Asha was born into a broken world. There are many things she needs to know: how her country could embrace a violent, far-right President promising to make America great again, why they turned a blind eye to the suffering – and the truth about her mother.
Parable of the Sower’
If there is one thing scarier than a dystopian novel about the future, it’s one written in the past that has already begun to come true. This is what makes Parable of the Sower even more impressive than it was when first published’ GLORIA STEINEM
Unnervingly prescient and wise’Â YAA GYASI
 We are coming apart. We’re a rope, breaking, a single strand at a time.
America is a place of chaos, where violence rules and only the rich and powerful are safe. Lauren Olamina, a young woman with the extraordinary power to feel the pain of others as her own, records everything she sees of this broken world in her journal.